Camera is not working properly on the Lenovo notebook

This article is written on the basis of Lenovo notebooks.

When opening or joining a meeting with RemoteMeeting, the camera is not recognized. Please follow the steps below to check.



It is necessary to check in advance whether the camera image is displayed well. Please click the link below to check. The camera is not recognized. (How to check in advance)

If the camera video does not appear during the pre-check step above, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.



  1. Check OS settings
    카메라가 인식되지 않습니다. (Windows 10)
  2. Check Lenovo Setting settings
    If the privacy setting is set to high, the portion of the webcam that gets video will be blocked.
    Please switch the privacy mode to off.
    - Open the Windows Start menu.
    - Search for “Lenovo” and click Lenovo Vantage. If you do not have Lenovo Vantage, please install it from Microsoft Store.
    - Click Hardware Settings > Audio / Video.
    - Scroll down and toggle the Camera Privacy Mode Toggle to Off.


When the camera privacy mode changes to ON, enable or disable the camera on your Lenovo laptop.

Please check if there are any physical switches that can be disabled.


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