Hello, this is RemoteMeeting Team.
First, we thank to all our customers for your support to RemoteMeeting.
RemoteMeeting strives to provide an easier and more convenient video conferencing service.
In order to keep our promise and maintain the same great quality and service, we are adjusting the recording file storage period as follows to comprehensively reflect the operating costs resulting from this among others.
* Effective date: January 1st, 2022
* Change details
<Partial revision of privacy policy due to change in recording file storage period>
■ Before change
Retention of information according to company internal policy
Service usage history: internal policy
Retention period: 1 year
Recording file: 3 months
■ After change
Retention of information according to company internal policy
Service usage history: internal policy
Retention period: 1 year
Recording file: 1 months
- Affected users: all RemoteMeeting service users (includes RemoteMeeting Box users).
- Reason for change: reduction of personal information retention period and service advancement.
- Changes: retention and use period of personal information added.
* As the recording file storage period is shortened, we recommend downloading important recording files and keep them separately.
For more details, please refer to the website after the effective date.
We ask for your continued interest and support for RemoteMeeting.
Thank you.