Hello, this is the RemoteMeeting Team.
This is the notice for our scheduled update to v2.7.0.
RemoteMeeting is actively and regularly updating the service with your feedbacks and improvements.
This update will take place on April 11, 2018.
(1) Display the network strength during the meeting
- Mouse over the network status icon in the PIP during a meeting to see network and resolution information for each participant.
(2) PIP selection during document or screen sharing
- Improved UI when selecting PIP during document or screen sharing.
(3) Improve drawing performance
- Curve display performance of drawing tools improved during document sharing.
(4) Change logo
- You can register a logo from the Edit Profile menu of the admin page.
(5) Download recorded video file
- Recorded video files are encrypted and stored on the cloud server. Those files can be downloaded from lounge history.
(6) Include shared document and screen in the recording
- When recording, document sharing and screen sharing screen are saved.
(7) Mobile (Android, iOS) app update
- Added recording start / stop function
- Automatic reconnection during the meeting
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
* Date and time of update: April 11, 2018 from 20:00 to 23:00 (UTC +9)
- Service connection may be intermittent during the update.
Stay tuned for RemoteMeeting and its great service.
RemoteMeeting Team.